Green Shirt News for 7/11/13!

News and updates for Green Shirt Studio – July 11th thru July 18th!
Here it is, your weekly post for Green Shirt Studio news. We know this is just the tip of the iceberg, so if you are a current or former student with news to share, e-mail us!
Instructor and Studio News
Our Summer Session of Meisner classes began this week and– good news– as of the time of this post, our Wednesday night Level 1 is SOLD OUT! Only 1 more spot in our Sunday Level 1 class is available, and this class is expected to sell out as well. Wow!
The Agency Theater Collective is holding auditions for their Fall 2013 production, I Wish to Apologize to the People of Illinois. Seeking all ages and types. Click here to read the audition notice and submission guidelines.
Jimmy Carrane hosts Ross Bryant of The Second City and Improvised Shakespeare Company as his guest for Improv Nerd at Stage 773 on Sunday, July 7th at 5:00pm (click here for tickets). Jimmy’s Level 2 Art of Slow Comedy class at Green Shirt begins on July 15th! Sign up here.
Keira Fromm directs the Midwest premiere of Fallow for Steep Theatre Company. The show opens July 11th and runs through August 17th (click here for tickets). Look for Keira’s audition workshop classes coming to Green Shirt later this fall.
Sommer Austin and Andrew Gallant‘s theatre company, The Agency Theater Collective, produces their weekly “theatrical open mic” No Shame Theatre this Saturday at 10:30pm at The Lincoln Loft. For more information on No Shame, including how to sign up to perform, click here or see No Shame’s Facebook page.
Sommer performs at The Funny Story Show on Thursday, July 11th at 7:30pm at Looseleaf Lounge, and at the Chicago Ladies in Comedy Showcase on Monday, July 15th.
Student and Alumni News and Shows
Melissa Jaen is offering actor headshots and other rewards if you fund her Rockethub project for her photography business, now thru 8/15/13.
Harold Dennis is interviewed by Turning Point for Blog Talk Radio on July 11th. Click here to listen to the podcast.
Jay Sukow‘s film, “Trubadeaux: A Restaurant Movie,” is getting some great press lately, including the front page of Dining Chicago. Download and watch the film here for only $5.
Andy Polacek is performing in Cheers 1773 at The Den Theatre. The show runs now through July 14th (get tickets here).
Danny Glenn plays a role in the feature film, Every Woman is Time. Check out the film’s Indiegogo campaign to help the film get distributed to festivals.
Amanda Raquel Martinez is understudying in Big Lake Big City, now playing at Lookingglass Theatre and directed by David Schwimmer.
Allison Black and Janice Rumschlag perform in Improvised Jane Austen at The Bughouse Theater on July 13th. Click here for details.
DeChantel Kosmatka‘s theater company, Oracle Theatre, is getting excellent reviews for their production of Waiting for Lefty, including being Reader Recommended and getting 3 1/2 stars by The Chicago Tribune. The show is FREE and is running now thru July 27th. Make reservations here.
See Michael Goodman in the cast of Million Dollar Quartet in Chicago (and elsewhere in the US) as well as multiple improv and music gigs around town. Click here to check out where he’ll be next.
We know lots of you are doing lots of stuff that we didn’t know about. So, if you’ve got news, let us know by e-mailing us at
Have a great week, break legs, and see some shows!