Green Shirt Studio

Let’s Do A Play Recap

Let’s Do A Play Recap

Let’s Do A Play is a new class at Green Shirt that offers students an opportunity to focus on scenes from one play, allowing a chance to create a world as an ensemble and dive deep into character.

So far we’ve offered Let’s Do A Play for three sessions and Green Shirt student Teddy Wells has taken the class twice.

To get some more insight into this new offering, we asked him a couple questions.

1. So Teddy, what type of acting classes in Chicago had you taken before Let’s Do A Play?

Most of my background is in improv, but Green Shirt’s program is the only traditional/scripted acting program I’ve taken.

2. You just finished your second round of Let’s Do A Play. What about the class made you want to sign up for a second time?

Similar to 10 Minute Play Fest, I learned a lot getting notes that were more from the perspective of a director. I feel like you get a lot of room to develop your voice in classes, whereas in Let’s Do A Play you get a broader context of working with an ensemble and the depth of all the scenes being from the same play.

The classes also teach different tools. Mostly focusing on Stanislavski, but it’s very individualized and I even got a recommendation to check out some Grotowski based ideas that have helped me a lot with listening to my body and making more physical choices.

3. What advice do you have for someone who wants to try the class for the first time?

This almost feels like a cop out, but take risks and have fun! The most joy I’ve had in these classes was when I’d make choices I wasn’t sure about. Worst case I’d get some advice on how I can iterate on that idea.

Interested in joining the next Let’s Do A Play cohort? Check out all the details at this link.