Green Shirt Studio

Makeup Artist

Syd Genco

Makeup Artist

Syd Genco is a Chicago based freelance makeup artist, working in the makeup artistry field for over a decade, and specializing in headshots. She began her work in the arts as an actress, where she discovered her love and flair for theatrical makeup design. What began as a hobby soon grew into a passion, and Syd attended Make Up First School to hone her skills and complete her certification in makeup artistry. She eventually became an instructor at the school, helping to train the next generation of artists.

Her work as an actor gives her special insight into what other actors need for headshot makeup, to get them in the room with casting directors and agents for theatre, tv/film, and commercials. She loves helping actors find the balance of what the industry requires in a headshot, while still helping them to express their individuality and personality.  Being a part of the community, on BOTH sides of the table, helps to make her headshot styles current and relevant to the needs of our diverse talent pool in Chicago.

When she’s not applying makeup at Green Shirt Studio, Syd is performing or designing for theatrical productions all over the city with Hell in a Handbag, Kokandy Productions, Hyde Park Players, and more!